P.O. Box 669294
Marietta, GA 30066



The Golden Hour is Real



Sex, romance, backstabbing, infidelity, drama, and trauma are the fodder TV shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, ER, and Trauma Center. In the midst of shenanigans these shows also focus on assessment and early intervention of life-threatening injuries and illnesses. The drama hour consists of 44 minutes of action plus 16 min of commercials and all issues resolved. Though contrived, the golden hour is real.  The golden hour is the first 60 minutes after a critical life-threatening injury or event.

Early emergency assessment, also called Triage began on the battlefield by the French. That system is still used today during disasters and especially during war.  Dr. R. Adams Cowley, founder of Maryland Shock Trauma is credited with promoting the concept the golden hour following his time as a military surgeon after WWII.  He found that severe injuries could be stabilized if the patient was transported to a military hospital where a surgeon was present.   Since it wasn’t easy to bring the wounded military to the hospital, they brought the hospital to the battlefield, in what we all know as MASH (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital).  Dr. Cowley’s creation of the trauma center is used hospitals in every city.  He also brought the helicopter to the hospital; known as lifeflight, all to enhance the chance of surviving a life-threatening event.  The golden hour is real.

Why do you need to know this, it’s not likely you will be acting in one of these shows and need to make it look real.  It is more likely that you will be at a restaurant, family party, religious service, the office, or a sporting event when something will go wrong and someone nearby will need immediate medical attention. Tick-Tock the clock is ticking.

Do you have basic CPR certification?  Are you able to do the Heimlich correctly?  You should be!  Tick-Tock, the clock is ticking. You could be the difference between life and death.  Do you know the signs of impending heart attack or stroke?  A child with an asthma attack?   Do you look for the AED when you walk into a building?  The Golden Hour is real!

There are many types of hours, the Children’s Hour, Happy Hour, but only one Golden hour – that makes all the difference in the life of someone you love.   I challenge you, this holiday season give yourself the gift of emergency preparedness, become certified in CPR, know how to perform the Heimlich, and know the location of the AED devices are in your building.

Follow the link to find a Red Cross training class near you.